Baseball Hobby News

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Baseball Hobby News: A defunct hobby newspaper published from 1979 to 1993. Founded by the husband-and-wife team of Frank and Vivian Barning, who served as editor and publisher, respectively, the magazine was published on a monthly basis. For most of its run, it appeared in a newspaper-style format, although it later converted to a tabloid size with a color cover.

Although primarily focused on baseball cards, Baseball Hobby News also included coverage of many other baseball-related collectibles, including autographs, press pins, postcards, stamps, uniforms and other pieces of game-used equipment, and books and other publications. As its name implies, the paper placed an emphasis on news, offering extensive coverage of newly-released cards and memorabilia, as well as reporting on developments within the hobby itself. It also featured more nostalgic pieces, including articles on older memorabilia, as well as interviews with baseball players of the past. There were also frequent articles aimed at new collectors, offering advice on how to get started in the hobby.

The publication originally was based in Glen Cove, New York, but moved to San Diego in 1982 after the Barnings moved there. The Barnings wrote many articles themselves, but also used contributions from a staff of writers and columnists.